Personal Loans
If you have good credit, getting a personal loan from a bank or credit union could be a good way to avoid a settlement loan. It is still debt, but there is a good chance that a personal loan will serve you better than pre-settlement funding.
To start, a loan from a bank or credit union is likely to cost much less when you total up the fees and interest. As long as you can service the loan payments, it could save you a considerable amount of money when you finally get a settlement. You might also be able to structure the loan so you have several years to pay it off. This will decrease the monthly payments and make it easier to manage while you wait for the resolution of your claim.
Friends and Family
With a strong support network of friends and family members, you might be able to make it through the process without having to take a lawsuit loan. It might be uncomfortable to ask, but most friends and family members will be willing to help if they are familiar with your situation. Even if they can’t provide for all of your needs or eliminate your financial burdens entirely, any amount of help you receive could make a big difference if it limits the amount of money you have to take out in a settlement loan.
Health Insurance
You need to get the most from your health insurance if you are waiting for an accident settlement. Take the time to understand your policy and make sure your health insurance provider is paying for everything they should be paying for.
You should also be careful about what you accept from your car insurance company if you have a claim against them. They might offer to pay for some of your expenses now, but that could affect your broader claim for a personal injury settlement. Try to get your health insurance company to cover as much as possible and talk to your attorney if your car insurance company offers to cover any of your expenses.
Credit Cards
You might be able to apply for a low-interest credit card to cover some of your expenses. It is not ideal to accrue debt, but with the right card, it could cost less than taking a settlement loan. Some credit cards even come with 0% interest and no payments for a year. You will need to make sure you can cover the payments when the promotional period ends, but it could be a way to reduce the amount you would need to take in pre-settlement funding.
If you are injured and can’t work, you might be able to apply for disability or social security benefits. It might not replace all of your income, but it is another way to ensure that you have money coming in while you are recovering from your injuries.
Being injured after a car accident can be a serious financial strain. For some people, it might even be difficult to cover the cost of basic necessities. If that is the case, you should look into local charities that might be able to help with things like food.
If you have trouble finding local charities, you should talk to your lawyer about assistance. Your attorney might not be able to offer a loan, but they should be familiar with local charities and government programs that could help with your financial situation.